Ahsania Mission Drug Treatment & Rehabilitation Center AMIC, Gazipur.


Considering the need for offering social support for the recovery and rehabilitation of the drug users in Bangladesh, DAM established a comprehensive treatment and rehabilitation center in Gazipur. The center has been providing quality drug detoxification and rehabilitation since 2004. It has all necessary modern facilities for the care and treatment of the drug dependents. There are trained staff who address the need of the clients, sufficient space for recreation, arrangement for various outdoor & indoor games, library, prayer room etc for the benefit of the clients.
The AMIC – Gazipur center was established on 04 May 2004.


The center is situated closer to the Bhawal National Park near the Gazipur – Mymensingh highway in the neighborhood of Dhaka city. It is on the Miabari Sarok of Gazariapara, Rajendrapur, Gazipur.

Accommodation Capacity

The center has the capacity to provide service to 100 clients at a time.

Center Setup

The center has the following amenities –

  • Number of dormitories: 10
  • Doctor’s room: 01
  • Counseling room: 02
  • Session room: 01
  • Playground: 01
  • Other facilities:
  • Program officer’s room: 01
  • Dining room: 01
  • Medical laboratory room: 01
  • Prayer room: 01
  • Case management room: 01
  • Store room: 01
  • Administration room: 01
  • Center manager room: 01
  • Family meeting room: 01
  • Family counseling room: 02
  • Staff room: 04
  • Guest room: 01
  • Kitchen: 01

Emergency and Safety Measures

The provision of fire extinguishers, expert security guards and emergency medical support are present in the center.

Target Beneficiaries

The center offers its services for the males with substance use disorder, between the ages of 16-50 years. It provides special services for clients younger and older than the age range.

Treatment Methods

Treatment is given through the TC (therapeutic community) method, NA (narcotic anonymous) sharing meetings and proper counseling.
The center provides six month long residential treatment that starts with first 14 days for detoxification phase. It is a process of clearing the substances and their toxic forms from the body. DAM is following evidence-based medical detoxification to safely manage the acute physical symptoms of withdrawal. During pre-treatment phase clients go through detailed medical and psychological screening, symptomatic withdrawal management, assessment and physical treatments. Treatment phase started after detoxification program. This is followed by 166 days rehabilitation program. During this time center provides mental health services, physical treatment, counseling, psychosocial education, individual and group therapy etc. Counselors, present at the centers, enhances client motivation with the psychological support to face the challenges at every stage in living a drug-free life. Client families are also offered to join family counseling sessions. Provision of psychosocial education is also an important part of the treatment. Clients receive information on harmful effects of drugs, HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis and other infectious diseases, overdose, life skill education, stress management, anger management etc. As the after care service, clients are offered to attend anti-drug program, social program organize by center, annual recovery get-together program, outdoor counseling, family therapy, psychiatric treatment and group counseling after completing the course of the treatment. DAM is following treatment approach as appropriate to the individual’s age, sex, ethnicity and culture.
Moreover, DAM is conducting pre-admission screening performed by the trained staff to assess the physical condition of clients before admission, to rule out the risk of communicable diseases and any potentially life-threatening diseases which would require immediate secondary or tertiary hospitalization.

Case Management Services

DAM introduce case management approach during in-patient detoxification and treatment. Case manager helps to meet immediate, pressing needs that can interfere with treatment engagement. Having these needs met early in the process motivates the clients to engage in the program and increases their trust and belief that program staff members are listening and trying to help.

Family Involvement

To understand the drug dependency withdrawal symptoms, to identify signs and symptoms about relapses, to know about drug treatment and to provide help & support during the treatment process, families of the clients are welcome to be included in the treatment process. This also helps for their acceptance about the slow, steady and long process of recovery.

Other Activities

The center takes part in the following activities to make the society aware and to prevent drug abuse habits:

  • Raising awareness on the effects of drugs and conduction of anti-drug campaigns
  • Publication and distribution of drug related materials
  • Arranging anti drug campaigns at several schools and colleges
  • Arranging substance abuse prevention awareness activities
  • Connecting the clients into self help groups
  • Research activities
  • Raising awareness on STI/AIDS and educating the ways to prevent them
  • Implementing of anti-tobacco activities
  • Primary healthcare projects to be implemented in different health facilities
  • Celebrating of the 26 June “International Day Against drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking” day
  • Inspiring on the religious practices
  • Observing important national and international days
  • Distributing leaflets
  • Celebrating the founding anniversary
  • Conducting family education meetings
  • Arranging skill development training for the staff
  • Provision of sychosocial education
  • Organizing anti-drug rally, human chain, discussion meetings, wall writing, cultural program with the view to raise anti-drug awareness

Unique Recognition

The center is a smoke and drug free zone that ensures successful recovery providing all the necessary supports through experienced staff in a healthy environment; thus making us one of the bests who have been fighting for substance use prevention and rehabilitation.

Case Study 1:

Mojaffor lives in Gazipur. One day, a young friend took out a pouch full of Yaba and said, “These are very energetic pills, consuming these gives you energy and reduces sleep. They also have a beautiful fragrance”. Then he showed Mojaffor how to consume them and helped him during the process. He felt good. After that, he started using himself. He used to take the pills whenever he became upset. One day he noticed that he felt weary when he didn’t consume it. Slowly he stared consuming more and more, increasing the dosage. Thus he had become an addict within three months. Thirty two years of his life without any intoxication, but still he fell on his knees to drugs. From the moment Mojaffor was shown how to use Yaba, his downfall started.
Mojaffor became indifferent about what is right and what is wrong. There was misunderstanding within his family members as he started relying on his peers more. His family figured out that Mojaffor had been an addict at one point. They sent him to DAM Drug Management and Rehabilitation Center via rescue team for treatment.
Mojaffor did not realize that he had been brought to the center for treatment. After 15-20 days of withdrawal management, he started reflecting on his actions of the past. He found the environment of the center, the staff and the fellow friends overwhelming and he started his recovery slowly. The treatment ensured him that each hour of the day helps him to get closer to a healthy life.
At the center, the assigned tasks used to start as soon as the clients wake up and continue until the moment the clients go to sleep at night. Routine counseling, meditation, motivation and class sessions ensure that the clients like Mojaffor are on the way towards betterment. This made Mojaffor realize the mistakes he had made in the past. After completing his six month program there, Mojaffor became drug free and now he has a stable relationship with his family.
He says that he will forever be in debt to his family and AMIC family for ensuring his well being and healthiness.

Case Study 2

Shagor has been involved with drug problems from his student life. His drug abuse started with Marijuana, then followed Phensidyl, Heroine, Yaba and many more according to their availability. He could not continue his education further and the major reason for that was his drug abusing habit.
Shagor’s father, a businessman, died suffering for the severe stress his son was causing him. Even after such traumatizing event, Shagor did not stop using drugs. Instead, he started increasing the dosage of the substances he had been using. To pay for his drugs, he started selling important and valuable family possessions. He started pressurizing his family for the financial arrangement of his drugs. He even threatened his family and said that he would kill them if they didn’t provide his desired amount of money. At one point, he stole and sold his mother’s and wife’s jewelries to finance his drugs abuse. At that time, his family’s financial position became extremely low.
There came a time when the family could not bear Shagor’s torture anymore and they admitted him to Dhaka Ahsania Mission (AMIC) Center, Gazipur for a 6 month long residential treatment course.
He has completed the treatment and successfully recoverying to be able to live a healthy life. He keeps contact with the center and visits the center frequently. He has reestablished his dad’s business that he had destroyed. Shagor is now planning to go on Umrah with his mother. He and his family are living a drug-free, prosperous life.

Case Study 3

Poor financial condition of Akash’s family led him to start working as the assistant to a house painter since his childhood. He was only eight years old when he had to take up that responsibility. After working for 3-4 years, he started smoking Marijuana encouraged by his boss who was a regular user. This was how Akash started his journey in the darkness.
Akash used Marijuana for two years, following that he started using other drugs like Heroine for five years, Pathedrine and Yaba for eight years. Luckily, Akash visited Save the Children International, a renowned institution that offers various helps, where he expressed his willingness to quit using drugs. He was brought to the Dhaka Ahsania Mission, AMIC center, Gazipur on 16 May 2015 by the Save the Children International authority.
Akash received three month long treatment and then came for follow ups for another three month. Later on, DAM hired him as a paid volunteer after observing his qualities and changes during the treatment period. Currently, Akash has been carrying out his responsibilities as a trustworthy volunteer for DAM. He leads a normal and active life. He sends his monthly salaries to his parents. His family and his proud parents, are looking forward to a bright and better future for Akash.